Chapter 16 | Splash Page
A very, very Greystone Halloween comic, Part 2
Halloween 2001 was uneasy. The month before, we had suffered all of the fright we could handle. That’s why Mac decided to throw a party — to get out of a rut. In the excitement, an invitation gets delivered to the wrong address — to that of an actual witch. The guest and Argus make a love connection… and hilarity, as always, ensued.
All week I’m going to be highlighting a Halloween comic storylines from years past. This first arc is from the very early days of Greystone Inn.
I’ll also take just a moment to tell you about my special Halloween comic that collects the best Halloween-themed stories from 13 — thirteen — years of my comics. You’ll get spooky specials for Greystone Inn, Evil Inc and Phables — 80 pages of chuckles and chills!
And all for only $1.99 at DriveThruComics.
OR… you could support my ongoing work in comics through Patreon. It doesn’t take a huge commitment. You can become a Patreon supporter for as little as $1 a month.
But if you sign up to back me at the five dollar level, you’ll get this Halloween comic — and every past and upcoming Evil Inc monthly eComic — for FREE.