Chapter 16 | Page 8b: Off Kilter


Evil Inc – March 20, 2025

By Brad J. Guigar

Panel 1

(Close-up of a passionate kiss between Lightning Lady and Angus the Minotaur.)

Panel 2
Angus: You've been pretty serious about taking things slow. What's going on here?

Panel 3

(Lightning Lady steps back seductively while Angus, in a green kilt, begins to lose his balance)
Lightning Lady: I dunno… Maybe it’s time we took things… faster.

(Sound effect: "trip")

Panel 4

(Angus trips and falls backward dramatically)
(Sound effect: "WHUMP")

Angus: I’m sorry. You have me a little off-kilter.

Panel 5

(Close-up of Angus on the ground, looking dazed)
(Lightning Lady stands confidently.)
Lightning Lady: Speaking of off-kilts… I might need to take that slow…

Smart, Alex Episode One

Not to be outdone by his little brother, Alex has decided to launch his own 15-minute podcast called Smart, Alex. Like 15 Min Max, this new solo effort will appear in the feed for our new group podcast Hey Kids — Comics! In this inaugural episode, Alex discusses the new season of Dr. Who — despite my best attempts to confuse him by conflating the number of seasons with the number of Doctors. Nonetheless, he soldiers on and delivers an apt review of the unfolding season. And then he pulls out an obscure reference to close the show with that will melt the heart of any old-school animation fans. Subscribe to us on iTunes.  Follow us on Evil Inc Follow us on Blubrry