It was a fantastic summer. I spent more time with my two sons that I ever have. We made road trips, we played in the park, we just hung out and enjoyed each other’s company.
But I’m paying for it like a fiend right now.
So here’s the September eComic. It’s pretty late, and I’m sorry for that. It’s going to have to be updated with a couple of comics and the color versions of the last two weeks of strips…
Because of my raging guilt, I made the bonus feature extra big, and I’m already going full-steam on the October comics.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. And for those of you who aren’t feeling so patient or so understanding — believe me — I understand.
Here’s the promo chatter.
Evil Inc Monthly, August 2014, is available! It’s once again possible to download the upcoming Evil Inc comic strips for this month as a convenient download, perfect for your iPad, Kindle Fire, iPhone or other digital device — even your desktop! And now… you can
subscribe to get them delivered to you
automatically every month!
They usually get uploaded on the first Monday of every month. If some of the strips appear in black-and-white, a free update will be released shortly thereafter with the color versions as soon as they’re ready. Just click this little green button…
Patreon supporters over the $5/month level automatically get this monthly comic as part of their reward package! Or you could just subscribe to the comic itself for 99¢ a month.
This month’s comic continues the storyline launched last month as Miss Match, Elastic Man, Amazing Amazon and Mr. Fabulous are captured and transported to an organizer of exotic big-game hunting expeditions —
and they’re the prey! Can they quit arguing amongst themselves long enough to
stay alive?
And for the Bonus Feature — oh, man! As a way to celebrate the digital release of the 416-page book,
The Complete Greystone Inn, I’m grabbing all of the
Greystone Inn strips from a very exciting Autumn that saw the premier of
Sam Snood, a film-noir-style turkey detective as well as the
Curse of Rafinesque. Plus, a quaint
country Christmas (inspired by the Bad Axe, Michigan, holidays of my youth) culminates in a
marriage proposal!
Click on the covers to initiate download!

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