Chapter 16 | Page 9a: Afterglow

I’ll be at the Moore College Comics Expo this Saturday! Come out and say hello! I’ll have copies of Evil Inc graphic novels and more. If you’d like me to bring something special for you, let me know!


Evil Inc – March 25, 2025

Panel 1:
(Scene: A bedroom in disarray—lightning crackles around, furniture and electronics are damaged. Angus the Minotaur and Lightning Lady lie in bed together, Angus looking concerned.)

Caption: Several thunderous hours later…

Angus: By Asterion’s horns… I… I’m afraid we owe the Lethal Librarian a new bed.

Lightning Lady: …Not to mention a small fortune in electronics…

Lightning Lady (sheepishly): Sorry…

Angus (calmly): That happens sometimes.

Panel 2:
(Close-up of the two in bed, with Lightning Lady snuggled against Angus.)

Lightning Lady: So… is there another bed…?

Panel 3:
(Same close-up, slight change in expressions—Lightning Lady looking up at Angus.)

Lightning Lady: …Or are we sleeping on the floor tonight?

Panel 4:
(Angus, still holding Lightning Lady, answers with a smirk.)

Angus: There’s a couch…

Lightning Lady: How sturdy is it?

Panel 5:
(Angus looks at Lightning Lady with an amused, knowing expression.)

Angus: I have a feeling we’re about to find out.

Hey Comics — Kids! Superman vs Batman

Consider this another proof-of-concept podcast. We recorded this one on the drive to school using my new Simple Lav microphone plugged into my iPhone (running the 99¢ Audio Memos app). I tell you this because I’m hoping one of you audiophiles can help me dampen the background noise in future podcast — if we decide to keep doing these this way.

Superman vs Batman

My two sons (ages 12 and 8) take the debate beyond the lame “who would win in a fight” potboiler. We get down to the nitty gritty… which is the better superhero? And the answers they come up with are way more complex than I was prepared for. Audio Player The boys are really enjoying recording the podcast — and reading the reactions on Twitter, Facebook, etc. So if you’d like to hear them address a specific topic or if you have a show idea, please hit the comments below. To hear the previous episodes of Hey Comics — Kids, click here. And, of course, 15 Minutes Max, where my 8yo pontificates for a quarter hour on whatever’s on his busy little mind. Hey Comics Kids podcast logo