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Hey Comics — Kids! S02E38: Star Wars The Force Awakens

Hey Comics Kids podcast logoBe sure to visit our Patreon page! ( ) We went to see Star Wars The Force Awakens as a family, and we all loved it. The boys deliver a perceptive — if not adoring — review.

Star Wars The Force Awakens as a teaching tool

From a parent’s perspective, Star Wars The Force Awakens is an excellent opportunity to talk about things like sexism and racism in terms that are real-world and significant to them. For example, in this podcast, we discussed how some fans were upset that one of the main characters was a woman and another was black. It was a way to discuss these issues in a way that they could relate to — and that’s not always so easy to do. Back on the fanboy side of things, we discuss whether Kylo Ren was the most powerful Sith Lord we’ve seen thus far. He’s definitely more powerful than Darth Maul. But could he have stood toe-to-toe with Vader? We discuss it! And I secretly hope that my experience with my soon-to-be-teenage sons goes a little better than Han Solo’s. Star Wars The Force AwakensStar Wars The Force AwakensSupport us on Patreon — the money will be given to the boys to encourage their creative efforts. Subscribe to us on iTunes — and please take some time to rate the show and leave a friendly comment! That’s gonna help us climb the iTunes charts! Just remember… like Max says, “This is a friendly place, people!”  Follow us on Evil Inc. Don’t like iTunes? No problem-o. Just follow this feed and you’ll get every update as it happens. Follow us on Blubrry — another iTunes alternative with great programming for you to enjoy. Discover it today! Follow us on Stitcher — yet another way to get the podcast. As always, thanks to the U.S. Army Blues Band for our theme music!