I’m launching a new project with my friends Kevin McShane and Dave Kellett that I am absolutely chuffed to share with you! In our new show, The Wrong Way, We teach you how to draw your favorite cartoon characters without getting sued — and spend an insane amount of time roasting each other in the process. The first episode is a banger!
How many times has this happened to you: You’re about to draw your favorite comics or cartoon character when a lawyer from the company that owns the character shows up — ready to sue you!
Well worry no more because in each episode of The Wrong Way, we take one of your favorite pop culture characters and redraw them in a way that no court in the land could possibly convict you for.
And along the way, we share drawing tips, fun stories, and fantastic friendship. It is a fun and 100% legal way to enjoy your favorite intellectual property!
It’s a show about friendship, creativity, and plausible legal deniability. And if you pay attention, you just might learn how to draw… The Wrong Way.