Chapter 16 | Page 7b: Cows for Alarm


Evil Inc – March 13, 2025

Panel 1:
(Narration box:)
The following morning finds Angus in North Fairmount, stocking a safehouse at the request of his employer, the Lethal Librarian…

Good morning, ma’am.

Mrs. Elliot:
Now I’ve seen everything! A TALKING COW!

Panel 2:
Angus (clears throat):
Ahem—I am a minotaur, ma’am.

Panel 3:
Mrs. Elliot:
Don’t you go stomping around in there! I have Hummels in the china closet!

Panel 4:
Angus (hesitant):
I… don’t… stomp…

Mrs. Elliot:
You’re brown. Does that mean you give chocolate milk?

Panel 5:
That’s a myth, ma’am.

Mrs. Elliot:
Ok… So put me down for a quart of regular and a pint of heavy cream.

Panel 6:
(Angus stomps his hoof in frustration, making a loud THUMP sound.)

Angus (shouting):

(A small sound comes from the background: Tinkle.)

Panel 7:
Mrs. Elliot (smirking):
If that’s the little girl feeding ducks, you’re in deep manure, bossy.

Get all of August’s strips NOW — only 99¢

It’s once again possible to download the upcoming Evil Inc comic strips for this month as a convenient download, perfect for your iPad, Kindle Fire, iPhone or other digital device — even your desktop! And now… you can subscribe to get them delivered to you automatically every month! There’s a special note about this month’s issue, so be sure to scroll down. *

Click on the covers to initiate download

Aug 2013 If you’re a Kindle Fire user, remember, you can use the convenient Send to Kindle app (it’s free!) to send your Evil Inc comic to your device. Aug 2013 *SPECIAL NOTE I’m still running a little behind-schedule due to the Kickstarter campaign for the upcoming Webcomics Handbook. So the last two weeks of the August pre-release are in black-and-white. For now. As soon as the colored versions are ready, I’ll release an update for you to download and replace the early edition you bought (at not extra charge, of course). The July Evil Inc comic is 27 pages, and it has three great stories. First, a new villain, the Spoiler, drops a little unexpected news on Iron Dragon. Second, Evil Atom heads to the Vulture Lodge for Poker Night. And, finally, in a search to find the Memo a mate, Muskiday comes to a surprising conclusion about the pulpy paramour. Then, in Tale from the Evil Inc Archive, re-live the Unstrung Hero storyline. Amazing Amazon decides to masquerade as Lightning Lady — and do good deeds in the villainess’ name! As Lightning Lady tries to keep her villainous mantle, she comes face-to-face with sometimes-love-interest, Elastic Man! SUBSCRIBE NOW! Great news! Now you can subscribe to the Evil Inc Monthly PreRelease! Here’s how it works: You will get charged 99¢ at the beginning of every month, which will allow you access to each new comic as it comes out. And you can unsubscribe at any time. Easy peasey! …Or sign-up for e-mail updates to be alerted when the new comic is ready  
You can also buy the Evil Inc monthly comic on… DriveThru