Evil Inc – March 18, 2025
by Brad J. Guigar
[Panel 1]
(Caption: A few nights later, Angus checks in with his employer, the Lethal Librarian.)
Angus: Yes, ma’am, I’m nearly finished stocking the safehouse.
[Panel 2]
Angus (on the phone): You didn’t warn me about Mrs. Elliot. She thinks I’m a cow!
She keeps insisting I leave quarts of milk on her front stoop.
[Panel 3]
(Close-up of the Lethal Librarian on the phone, looking incredulous.)
Lethal Librarian: That’s ridiculous! You don’t have udders!
[Panel 4]
(Caption: "There was only one way to make her stop.")
(Angus is seen sneaking up Mrs. Elliot’s stairs at night, placing bottles of white liquid on her doorstep.)
[Panel 5]
(Lethal Librarian, shocked on the phone.)
Lethal Librarian: Great Gutenberg’s ghost! You didn’t!
Angus: I didn’t… but I’m putting her dairy bill on your account.
(Angus is in the kitchen, pouring milk into bottles.)
[Panel 6]
(Sound effect: knock knock*)
Angus (on phone): I’ll call you back.
(He turns toward the door.)
Angus: Someone’s at the door.
[Panel 7]
(Angus answers the door to see Lightning Lady standing outside.)
Lightning Lady: You’ll never believe what your neighbor asked me to do…

More good news to pass along! All systems are GO for another trip to Seattle for Emerald City Comic Con! This has been a highlight on the convention circuit for me ever since I started going out there, and I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll get to go again.
Recapping my earlier announcement, I’ll be attending C2E2 in Chicago, making good on a six-year-old promise I made to get back into the Chicago area.
Rounding out the schedule thus far is the Calgary Comics Expo (in Canada, no less!), New York Comic Con in October, and, of course, Comic Con International in San Diego.
I haven’t ruled out
If you’d like me to come to a convention near you, please write to the promoter of your nearest convention and ask them to have me appear as a guest. You’d be amazed at how much power an e-mail like that wields.
Right now, my tentative schedule looks like this:
Emerald City Comic Con
Washington State Convention Center
March 13-14
McCormick Place
April 16-18
Calgary Comics & Entertainment Expo
BMO Round Up Centre
Calgary, Alberta
April 24-25
Wizard World Philadelphia
Pennsylvania Convention Center
June 11-13
Comic Con International
San Diego Convention Center
San Diego, Calif.
July 22-25
Baltimore Comic Con
Baltimore Convention Center
Baltimore, Maryland
Aug. 28-29
New York Comic Con
Javits Center
New York, NY
Oct. 8-10