Chapter 16 | Page 8b: Off Kilter


Evil Inc – March 20, 2025

By Brad J. Guigar

Panel 1

(Close-up of a passionate kiss between Lightning Lady and Angus the Minotaur.)

Panel 2
Angus: You've been pretty serious about taking things slow. What's going on here?

Panel 3

(Lightning Lady steps back seductively while Angus, in a green kilt, begins to lose his balance)
Lightning Lady: I dunno… Maybe it’s time we took things… faster.

(Sound effect: "trip")

Panel 4

(Angus trips and falls backward dramatically)
(Sound effect: "WHUMP")

Angus: I’m sorry. You have me a little off-kilter.

Panel 5

(Close-up of Angus on the ground, looking dazed)
(Lightning Lady stands confidently.)
Lightning Lady: Speaking of off-kilts… I might need to take that slow…

Courting Disaster: Oct. 30, 2009

Courting Disaster, my weekly comic about sex, love, and relationships updates every Friday. You’ll laugh your pants off.

This week’s question…

A reader writes… Q: I recently went out to a bar and drank way too much. My girlfriends did not want to babysit me, so they called one of my good guy-friends to come get me. I have known him for years and trusted completely. I woke up naked in his bed the following day. When I asked him what happened, he said that I was all over him and wanted sex really bad. I have had one-night stands, but let’s just say that I am not attracted to him at all. Now I don’t know what to do. My girlfriends said that I could barely walk when I left. I don’t see how I could have been well enough for sex. On the other hand, I feel extremely guilty for thinking such a negative thing about a friend. Should I just try to forget about this and move on?

Don’t answer here… go on over to the CD site and offer some advice.