Chapter 15 | Page 11b: Coming together

The villains of the Fairmount branch of Evil Inc have gotten some rather upsetting news! Today, they gather in Giant Tess’ office to hatch a plan to save their jobs!


Panel 1

The Evil Inc supervillains gather in Giant Tess' office.

Giant Tess: "We must prove to Dr. Whoosh that this branch is too important to close."

Lightning Lady: "Let's pair off and see who can come up with the best scheme."

Iron Dragon: "Yeah! We'll meet here in an hour to determine the best one."

Count Spurlock: "It's exhilarating to see this branch come together to fight a common foe!"

Miss Match: "I'll see if Muskiday has anything in his lab."

Panel 2

The scene shifts to show Iron Dragon sidling up to Desdemonda, circling his arms around her waist. Desi eyes him suspiciously.

Iron Dragon: "You heard what Spurlock said: we need to come together. After that, we can work on a scheme to save the office."

Panel 3

Desi, reaching for Catnip: "No thanks. I'm working with Catnip!"

Catnip (surprised): "Huh?!"

Panel 4

Iron Dragon stands between two women, looking nervous. Desi is glaring at him.

Desdemona: "Why don't you team up with your new friend? After that, you can work on a scheme to save our relationship."

Plastic Man Returns!

Catching up on my comics-reading since returning from Comic Con and Connecticon, I see that I almost missed the return of my all-time favorite character, Plastic Man, to active duty in the JLA.

As I mentioned earlier, Len Wein was tapped to write a two-issue arc, and he promised to bring Plas back for the ride. Since he had all-but-officially written out of DC continuity, I was thrilled at the prospect.

And with everything that happened between then and now, I was actually thunderstruck to see Mister O’Brien make his entrance onto the pages of JLA #35.

Which is odd, because as you can plainly see, he’s on the cover of the issue. (No, really. He is.)

Sure, the foes are the well-trodden Royal Flush Gang. I mean, at this point, I’d be more frightened by the Full House Gang. But apart from a couple of real dialogue duds (including a tired “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” line), it’s Plastic man at his most ductile and demented.

Which brings me back to Comic Con.

Discussing Plastic Man with a friend in San Diego, I learned that none other than my friend Hugo-Award-winning Phil Foglio (which is now his full name, thank you) wrote several issues of Plastic Man!

Not only that, but he wrote the following little bit of history into Plas’ origin:

When Eel O’Brien was subjected to the chemical bath that turned him into the “Indian Rubber Man,” another side effect was that the same chemicals that keep him pliant also have an ongoing effect on his mental state. In other words, the stuff that keeps Plastic Man rubbery also has him on an ongoing high.

This allowed Phil to write the character straight-up as a justifiably whacked-out character — not just a device to be introduced solely for comic relief and then embarrassedly pushed back into the shadows. With this plot gem, Plas’ bizarre behavior was every bit a part of his character as his super powers, and to write him “normal” would be like not letting him stretch.

Which brings me to two conclusions:

(1) Phil is a genius.

(2) If I never get to write Plastic Man for DC, I at least want to see Phil take another tilt. Best case scenario, of course, would be if both ensued.

(3) I need to get may hands on those old copies of the Foglio-scribed Plastic Man.

Until then, we have Our Hero around for at least one more issue, the upcoming JLA #36.

Title: JLA #35
Team: Written by Len Wein. Pencils by Tom Derenick & Pow Rodrix. Inks by Marlo Alquiza, Rob Hunter, Walden Wong & Dan Green.