Chapter 15 | Page 11b: Coming together

The villains of the Fairmount branch of Evil Inc have gotten some rather upsetting news! Today, they gather in Giant Tess’ office to hatch a plan to save their jobs!


Panel 1

The Evil Inc supervillains gather in Giant Tess' office.

Giant Tess: "We must prove to Dr. Whoosh that this branch is too important to close."

Lightning Lady: "Let's pair off and see who can come up with the best scheme."

Iron Dragon: "Yeah! We'll meet here in an hour to determine the best one."

Count Spurlock: "It's exhilarating to see this branch come together to fight a common foe!"

Miss Match: "I'll see if Muskiday has anything in his lab."

Panel 2

The scene shifts to show Iron Dragon sidling up to Desdemonda, circling his arms around her waist. Desi eyes him suspiciously.

Iron Dragon: "You heard what Spurlock said: we need to come together. After that, we can work on a scheme to save the office."

Panel 3

Desi, reaching for Catnip: "No thanks. I'm working with Catnip!"

Catnip (surprised): "Huh?!"

Panel 4

Iron Dragon stands between two women, looking nervous. Desi is glaring at him.

Desdemona: "Why don't you team up with your new friend? After that, you can work on a scheme to save our relationship."

Courting Disaster: Bonus Question

A bonus Courting Disaster question this week…

A reader writes…Q: I’m seventeen, male, Australian, nerdy and somewhat shy around girls. As you may have guessed, I have never had a girlfriend.

I sing in a choir. I started developing some serious feelings for one of the girls in the choir. I started hanging around with her in the hope of getting up my courage and asking her out. She didn’t really seem to notice me.

A few days into the tour, the gossips in the choir said to me “We think that you two should go out. That’d be so cute!”

This affirmation removed all my fears on the matter. I made several flambouyant romantic gestures, more often than not in view of half the choir. However, she is quite shy and did not appreciate my advances; she was unsure whether I really felt for her or whether I was just playing a game. Because of this, gestures that would have been romantic in any other situation were rendered cruel.

When I eventually asked her out, she sprung the following piece of girl-code on me; “I’m sorry, but I can’t see you as anything more than a friend.”

Unfortunately, we haven’t even been that; most of the choir has turned against me and she’s been avoiding me as much as possible. Apart from my heartfelt apology when I worked out that she hadn’t appreciated my advances, we haven’t spoken since.

So, my question is; do I have any sort of chance with this girl, or should I just rely on the other fish in the sea?

Don’t answer here… go on over to the CD site and offer some advice.