Chapter 15 | Page 11b: Coming together

The villains of the Fairmount branch of Evil Inc have gotten some rather upsetting news! Today, they gather in Giant Tess’ office to hatch a plan to save their jobs!


Panel 1

The Evil Inc supervillains gather in Giant Tess' office.

Giant Tess: "We must prove to Dr. Whoosh that this branch is too important to close."

Lightning Lady: "Let's pair off and see who can come up with the best scheme."

Iron Dragon: "Yeah! We'll meet here in an hour to determine the best one."

Count Spurlock: "It's exhilarating to see this branch come together to fight a common foe!"

Miss Match: "I'll see if Muskiday has anything in his lab."

Panel 2

The scene shifts to show Iron Dragon sidling up to Desdemonda, circling his arms around her waist. Desi eyes him suspiciously.

Iron Dragon: "You heard what Spurlock said: we need to come together. After that, we can work on a scheme to save the office."

Panel 3

Desi, reaching for Catnip: "No thanks. I'm working with Catnip!"

Catnip (surprised): "Huh?!"

Panel 4

Iron Dragon stands between two women, looking nervous. Desi is glaring at him.

Desdemona: "Why don't you team up with your new friend? After that, you can work on a scheme to save our relationship."

VQ Rating: Ultra Humanite

Ultra Humanite: Just one issue of Power Girl ago, Ultra Humanite was living the very best of the super-villain life. He had Power Girl on the ropes and was the subject of a torrid, little flashback in which he had unwittingly seduced Satanna with all of his gorilla-like charms.

And now, mere weeks later, we find our snowy simeon at the very bottom of the D-list dregs.

Kara’s sound thwarting not only singed every hair off his body and caused skin issues that are going to haunt him for decades to come, but she’s pushed him into a mental psychosis that’s going to have him on a clozapine drip for the foreseeable future. Not that it matters, but clozapine…?)

Probably all for the best. When you get to the stage in villainy when you’re piloting city-sized vessels with tremendous pipe-organs, it’s probably time to throw in the cape. Or become a Bond villain.

But Ultra Humanite has been a significant JSA threat for years, and we all know that any being with that kind of stones can’t remain in the VQ cellar for very long.

And here’s hoping that when he returns, there will be hell to pay.

Or any toupee, really… cause trust me, if you thought UH was ugly with fur…

Title: Power Girl #3
Creative Team:Writers Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti, pencils by Amanda Conner.