Meanwhile… checking in on Miss Match’s class


Evil Inc, Jan. 2, 2025

Text at the top: "Meanwhile... in Miss Match's Villain Class..."

Panel 1:

Miss Match (standing in front of a whiteboard labeled "Supervillain Health: Sleep") speaks to a classroom of villainous characters seated at desks.

Miss Match: "Sleep boosts your immune system, supports good mental health, and it has been proven to improve your memory and cognitive function."

Panel 2:

Miss Match: "If you want to perform at your peak... you need to get enough sl—"

(She is interrupted by a loud snore coming from the class.)

Panel 3:

Miss Match stands with her hands on her hips, looking frustrated as the entire class is now asleep. A series of "Zzzz" sound effects fills the panel. Students include various colorful, inhuman characters slumped over desks or snoozing in their seats.

Miss Match (thought bubble): "I don’t know whether to be angry or proud."

(© 2024 Brad J. Guigar. All rights reserved.)

See Alex at Glass City Con this weekend!

HI EVERYONE!  I’m going to be at Glass City Con in Toledo this weekend! GCC 2015 Map I’ll actually be at table A10, which is in the same place on the map– the tables just got renumbered at the last minute.  I hope to meet some of you there! I’ve also been running a free domestic shipping promotion in my online shop all month!  If you’re interested in getting a copy of The Hues Volume 1, the first print volume of my webcomic, now is an excellent time. 😀  If you use the code EVILINC at checkout, you can get an extra 10% off.  Hope you all have a great week!