I’ve moved to a new host (thanks for everyone who has taken the time to report site bugs, by the way), and this move has resulted in a whole host of new ways for you to enjoy and participate in Evil Inc.
Here are a few:
RSS feed:The RSS feed now includes blog posts and images. It’s really a great way to keep up with updated site content.
E-mail subscription: If you had already signed up for e-mail delivery, you’ll have to sign up again. This new e-mail subscription system is automated, arrives at the same time every day, and includes blog posts.
Forum: The forum has changed. I’ve moved off the Blank Label messageboard system. Right now, you don’t need to register to participate, but that may change. Click on the “Forum” link above to see the new look. The forum posts and the blog posts are both found here, so you can participate in both when you go there.
Social networking: Check out the row of cool new social networking buttons below the daily comic. You can now share this comic using: StumbleUpon, Reddit, Google, SlashDot, Digg, MyYahoo, Furl, or Del.icio.us. (P.S.: I’d really appreciate a little test-driving on these, please. Report any bugs to me so I can fix them!)
As before, Evil Inc has a MySpace Page and a Facebook Fan Club.
You can even share the evil goodness by sending an e-postcard.
Buying art: It’s now easier than ever to order prints and original art. Evil Inc has a cool, new storefront!