Get "Evil Inc" in your daily newspaper!
It already appears in several college papers and a few daily newspapers such as the Philadelphia Daily News (Circulation 190,000). To add yours, just do the following:
College Newspapers
I provide "Evil Inc" to college newspapers for FREE. Simply alert the editor of your college paper and have him or her contact me. I will provide an easy way to download hi-res strips months ahead of publication dates.
Write a letter to your newspaper’s Features editor and/or the Managing Editor. You can usually find their names and e-mail address in the "Contact Us" link of the newspaper’s Web site. Tell him or her why you love "Evil Inc." Mention that it already runs in such newspapers as the Philadelphia Daily News and it can easily run in their newspaper as well. Encourage them to download my media kit. Direct them to the Evil Inc Web site — www.evil-comic.com — to contact me or give them my e-mail address.
Not so good with words? Allow me.
Dear (editor’s name here),
I am a regular reader of a daily comic strip called "Evil Inc," which runs daily on the Web and in newspapers such as the Philadelphia Daily News. It is a humor comic about super-villains by Brad Guigar. Guigar has been syndicating his daily comic strips for over seven years, and he makes it clear on his Web site (http://www.evil-comic.com) that he provides excellent rates to any newspapers interested in running his comic.
Please add "Evil Inc" to (name of newspaper here)! You can contact him through his Web site for via e-mail: [email protected] .
A media kit for "Evil Inc" can be downloaded at http://www.evil-comic.com/presskit.pdf .
Thank you for your time and consideration.
(Your name, phone number, and/or e-mail address)