Palmiotti and Grey talk Joker
As predicted here, Joker is indeed taking center stage in DC’s Countdown series. ICN has an excellent interview with the two writers behind that series, Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Grey.
This week the Joker is making his presence known. By now you’ve probably seen the buttons that say “Jimmy Olsen Must Die”? Well, the cover to this week’s issue features the Joker holding some of Jimmy’s personal effects. We’ll let you figure things out from there – actually we’ll let you bite your nails until you see what happens tomorrow. Joining us this week are the dynamic duo responsible for Countdown #50 – Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Grey. The two took some time to answer our questions about the writing process, the Joker and what’s to come.
According to several previews, Joker makes his Big Move in Countdown #50, which hits stores today.
Read the entire interview here.