Phables: SPJ Best Local Column

Phables awarded “Best Local Column” by Philadelphia Society of Professional Journalists

Last night I accepted the award for Best Local Column in Philadelphia for Phables. The award was given to me by the Society of Professional Journalists.

This was a huge event for me. I have been insisting that sequential art (uppity-speak for “comics”) could be used to improve several aspects of journalism, and Phables was my way of proving that. I stated building up to this point years ago, using comics in different ways to compliment news coverage. Once my editors were comfortable with that, I pitched Phables to them as a way to revitalize the time-worn local newspaper column. Seeing it accepted in this way is incredibly encouraging.

I’m very proud of my work on Phables, and seeing it take root this way lets me know that it wont be long before newspaper editors are ready to expand on this idea even further. I’ve got my own ideas, and there are probably others being formulated elsewhere.

It’s just a very good chance of good things to come.