Villain Round-Up: Sept. 17, 2008

Rounding up the latest news from the “black capes”…

Dr. Light: [CBR] Depending on where you fall in the age department, that name evokes in you a different reaction. If you are a fan of the Silver Age, Arthur Light was just one of any number of average, unremarkable villains that appeared in the pages of DC Comics’ “Justice League of America.” If you are a student of the Bronze Age, you likely remember Doctor Light as the somewhat bumbling and, frankly, laughable enemy of the “New Teen Titans.” If you are a modern fan, you know who Doctor Light is: a predatory animal, a monster. In “Final Crisis: Revelations” #1 (August 2008), Light met his well-deserved end. It is likely that no one will eulogize him; this is the best he will get.

CBR has an excellent retrospective of the ups and downs of this Silver-Age-baddie-turned-Modern-Age-monster. Read the entire story here.