I love vampires. Always have; always will.
So it’s no surprise that the bloodsuckers have turned up more-than-occasionally in the halls of Evil Inc.
Here are a few of my favorites.
The very first week of Evil Inc
In a storyline that started
alllll the way back in May of 2005, Lightning Lady, former
Greystone Inn secretary, goes to Evil Inc to get a job. During the interview, she discovers (
above) that the company’s Marketing Department is largely staffed by vampires.
Blood drives and other parties
Since then, the fangs have been bared at Evil Inc fairly often.
For example,
there was a blood drive at the office. You can probably guess who that attracted…
And, of course, there was
the meeting of V.L.A.D. — the Vampire League for Anti-Defamation.
And this standalone — one of my favorites for its subtle darkness.
All week I will be highlighting Halloween comics from years past.
I’ll also take just a moment to tell you about my special Halloween comic that collects the best Halloween-themed stories from 13 —
thirteen — years of my comics. You’ll get spooky specials for Greystone Inn, Evil Inc and Phables — 80 pages of chuckles and chills!
And all for only $1.99 at DriveThruComics.
OR… you could
support my ongoing work in comics through Patreon. It doesn’t take a huge commitment. You can become a Patreon supporter for as little as $1 a month.
But if you sign up to
back me at the five dollar level, you’ll get this Halloween comic — and every past and upcoming Evil Inc monthly eComic — for